Guide on How to Choose the Right Charm Bracelets for your Kid

August 18, 2021

Guide on How to Choose the Right Charm Bracelets for your Kid

Charm bracelets were often used as a way to protect your loved ones from harm. Ancient civilizations used charm bracelets for many good reasons.

Often an entire life can be depicted through the charm bracelet, emphasizing important events in life, individual views, beliefs, decisions, and opinions. More than men, the popularity meter points more for charm bracelets in women.

Charm bracelets for girls were once a tradition and Queen Elizabeth popularized the concept of charm bracelets in Europe when she showcased her charm collection to the world. Young girls and women once loved adding charms to their bracelets. Custom charm bracelets were quite common and a collection of charms was a hobby that grew to become a belief in some year’s time.

Personalized charm bracelets were a hot favorite during the world wars, and it was during these times that both men, women, and children were gifted charm bracelets by their loved ones, and sometimes, even by strangers. Men back from war brought back stories of bullets and war trinkets tied to charm bracelets that adorned the wrists of their proud wives and children. Even men leaving for war were given personalized charm bracelets containing charms; their families believed could protect them from harm.

Charm is an ancient word and in earlier times, charm bracelets represented magical trinkets possessing a bit of the natural power in them. Charm bracelets and runes were often used together.

Given its rich history, charm bracelets are very much popular among women and kids even to date. If you’re a believer of charms and magic, then gifting your child a charm bracelet could be their best memoir.

Charms gifted to your kids could comprise something precious, something protective, or some piece of wisdom.  It can be a lucky charm or a religious charm to protect your child.  The possibilities for kids charm bracelets is endless.

Gifting A Charm Bracelet To Your Child Could Be Done By Following One Of The Below Ideas:

  • You could start by creating a charm bracelet from pieces of stuff that have weaved magic into your life. Passing it to your child could be the best gift to them.
  • Charm bracelets for girl kids could be made using a lot of angelic and girly stuff which when passed on from the mother or the grandmother becomes belongings that have value way beyond words in their lives.
  • Personalized charm bracelets can be designed. Customized charm bracelets could depict your child’s special moments or their likes, loves, and beliefs.
  • Charm bracelets for young girls could comprise of protective symbols. Often charm bracelets could have rare protective symbols dangling from them. Charm bracelets could also incorporate some natural elements such as natural gemstone charms.
  • You could add a few elements to your life in your child's charm bracelets.  An example of this would be to add a small picture of a loved on on your child's charm bracelet, your child’s zodiac symbol, the moon sign symbol and the ascending sign’s symbol with their ruling planets, the spirit animal symbol, and the angels who so-called protect children up to a certain age.  This is the beauty of a child's charm bracelet project, you can incorporate anything so long as it is special and meaningful.

Above we have tried giving you a basic idea of what you could do with a kid's charm bracelet. You can next, run your imagination and carve anything for your child’s charm bracelet. It could be elements you wish to see in them when they grow up. Metals for making a charm bracelet can be any, especially gold and sterling silver are the most suitable of all. Charm bracelets for girls can be made of sterling silver as they do not blacken with time and are steady enough to keep carrying the addition of the charms to the bracelet.

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