Properties & Meaning of Gifting December Birthstone To Your Baby
December the month when people are preparing carols, waiting for Santa, and decorating the world with bright lights and cheer. If your child is born in December then your life will be full of unknown festivities, adventures, thrills minced with a tinge of hope.
What do you wish to give them for their birthdays? A valuable addition to the lives of these keepers and givers will be their December birthstones.
The December birthstones are energized crystals that can make their energy bands match that of the Universe. These December birthstones work as a bridge between the world and their souls. The birthstones of December form an energy channel for the December borns that is much needed for them to stay protected in this world.
Are you excited now to know more about the December birthstones?
Do You Wonder, What Are The Birthstones For December?
Well, here’s all that you must know.
Known as Ferozah in Persian, meaning victory, and Turquoise from the French pierre tourques meaning a piece of the blue sky from Turkey, and is the holiest December birthstone. The birthstone for December must be given to the ones born in this month as they must be protected well till the end.
Turquoise is known to protect the wearer from being killed in a war by showing the right way through every battle.
The December birthstone also protects the wearer from scorpion stings and reptile bites. In Aztec culture, this December birthstone represents the supply for a dead man’s heart. The birthstone of December also balances the male and female energies in the wearer.
This birthday, gift them a December birthstone jewelry piece, maybe a December birthstone ring.
Blue Topaz
Blue Topaz is a pyroelectric December birthstone that can hold a charge when rubbed vigorously. Some lores say that this birthstone of December brings the powers of the glaciers to their wearers. The color of this December birthstone ranges from pale blue to the dark blue tint and represents the throat chakra. The meaning of this December birthstone is to bring a communion of the soul, mind, and body in the wearer. The December birthstone helps in merging the life force working around us continuously into us.
The blue color of the December birthstone develops from the impurity within it. As goes the English superstition, Topaz is a December birthstone that can cure lunacy and works against the Evil Eye, protecting its wearer from cough and fever. Blue topaz is rare, and the gray topaz is irradiated, and heat-treated to produce the blue variant that can impart the same protection a normal blue topaz would bring to its wearer.
Zircon is another birthstone of December that brings happiness to its wearer and also brings good fortune.
Tanzanite from Tanzania is the rarest December birthstone that adorns its wearer with higher consciousness enhancing the perception and intuitive skills of the wearer.
By now, you must have guessed the color of December birthstones? Yes, the December birthstones are blue, icy blue, pale blue, deep blue, and the sparkle in the blue is the fire within the heart of a December born. This winter, bring home a December birthstone jewelry for your baby and bask in their glow all life.Leave a comment
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